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Immune Status

Increases endurance, has a positive effect on the immune status, has protivomik-A detailed action. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) improves the body's resistance Effects of environmental factors. L-carnitine – helps to normalize the endocrine system. Ursul anti-inflammatory agent. Has anti-inflammatory properties, normalizes the urinary system, increases the immune status of the organism, provides natural protection against harmful bacteria and viruses, and improves adrenal function. Carefully selected components 'Ursul' collectively provide an effective anti-inflammatory product that in the short term to help normalize the functioning of the urogenital system. Devil's claw is effective in inflammatory processes of urogenital system.

Bearberry has diuretic and anti-microbial action (uroan-tiseptik). Echinacea – has immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. Increases the activity of lymphocytes, stimulates the action of interferon. In The product includes three minerals, mutually reinforcing each other's – copper, silver and gold. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects of silver have been known since ancient times. Silver reduces the vitality and blocks reproduction of most harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. Gold – Increases the range of antibacterial action. Copper – an antiseptic and astringent.

Involved in metabolic processes, increases the protective force the body, prevents the formation of free radicals. artum normalizes the function of the prostate. Designed to meet the specific needs of the male body 'Artum' helps normalize the functioning of prostate, has a beneficial effect in inflammatory processes of the sexual sphere. The prostate gland is designed to create a prosperous living conditions of men's health. Diseases associated with inflammation prostate problems are more common than others, violating the usual rhythm of life of men. The product collected nettle root, pumpkin seeds, berries palmetto – components, each of which contributes normalization of the functions of the prostate. Rhizome nettle has anti-inflammatory effect, due to the presence of sterols in it, and effectively as a diuretic in diseases of the prostate. Pumpkin seeds used for difficult urination in the early stages of inflammation of prostate. Exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Berries palmetto reduced prostate tissue swelling. Have anti-inflammatory action infection in the urogenital system, increase libido. Vitamin-mineral complex, especially added to the product due to its antioxidant properties, enhances the immune system and enhances adaptogenic properties of the body. Stallone increases potency. Supports full reproductive function, normalizes blood circulation in the male reproductive organs and functions of the prostate gland, helps to overcome fatigue, and enriches sexual feelings, enhances the potency. 'Stallone' is based on the properties of yohimbe bark extract that contributes to a rush of blood to the pelvic region, while also stimulating activity spinal ganglia of the brain that control erection, thereby countering erectile dysfunction. The second active ingredient in the product is the root of ginseng has a tonic, stimulant, tonic effect. Ginseng increases physical activity, regulates the endocrine glands, normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system. Ginger stimulates circulation and has antispasmodic effects. Linoleic acid – lowers blood cholesterol, which has a beneficial effect on potency. It should be noted that each of the products 'Masculine complex' is valuable and effective by itself and with the ongoing reception you soon it will feel. But due to the fact that the measures taken into account the problems in most cases, closely related, we recommend taking the whole complex whole to achieve a full effect. for prozholzheniya go to

Wooden Windows And Their Advantages Over Plastic

Wooden windows have recently come into fashion. Despite the fact that the windows are wooden, plastic is cheaper, the consumer starts to think about comfort and beauty that can only give wooden windows. Unlike windows plastics, real wood is better to retain heat, he was not afraid of abrupt changes in temperature. In the window of natural wood can be inserted windows. Natural wood, in contrast to the windows of plastic 'breathes', pass moisture and air, while maintaining a pleasant indoor climate and providing a slow ventilation.

Plus a plastic glass only in the high resistance of combustion and performance protection against sound and cold. But they do not pass air, creating an impossible atmosphere in the home, have a large coefficient of thermal expansion. In a room with windows made of plastic are often formed perspiration on the walls and ceiling due to the fact that such windows do not overlook moisture. And this, respectively, and leads to damage of finishing the interior. Cons wooden windows enclosed in that tree not decay and fungus infection (but new treatments can not prevent these processes), there need for additional care. Plus, wood windows are more of metal, but they serve their owners over a long time.

Thus we can say that wooden windows would certainly be better windows made of plastic, they more environmentally friendly, can keep your house healthy climate and natural beauty attract the attention of his material, compensating for its merits the price difference with the plastic. From which the same varieties Wood windows are made of wood and what is the difference between them? In the first place in popularity are the windows of the pine wood. Pine windows are cheap enough and still differ all the benefits of wood windows – well look environmentally friendly. The pine box is not as durable and resistant to external influences than the window of oak and larch. However, they are no worse than the plastic glass and a little more worth it. And this difference in price they compensate with a vengeance for its advantages over the plastic windows. The windows of the larch expensive windows made of pine about 30 percent. Larch – a perfect material for the production of wood glass – it is solid and durable almost like oak wood, fireproofing, stand in the influence of moisture, and durable. Fiberglass windows of the oak are 2 times more expensive than windows made of pine. However, they compensate for this difference in price its own advantages – a huge strength, beauty of wood and especially energy. Oak wood over the years, becoming more beautiful, getting darker and noble shade. The windows of the oak – a worthy choice – they will serve you long and will create a special atmosphere in the house. Production of wooden double-glazed windows are now – an elaborate and high-tech process. Modern wood windows, unlike windows our childhood, not not swell, the paint on them is not cracked. And all this because of today's specialized tools and technologies that are used in their manufacture and painting.