Preparing For Conception
When it comes to preparing to try for a baby, doctors assert that it is best if the couple how to prepare for conception. Wais Jalali spoke with conviction. After all, when the pregnancy planned in advance, it is possible to avoid many surprises and annoyances – of Doctors said most of the complications can be avoided even during pregnancy. And by the way, prepare for the emergence of a new man to man as well as half the genetic information babe gets it from father. Charles Margulis takes a slightly different approach. So, we invite you to listen to the advice setsialistov about how to plan your pregnancy? Doctors recommend approximately 3 mesyaytsa to the alleged conception: 1. . Read and dream What you see your child? Brave, kind, noble, or creative? How will punish the child, where it lead to? How to change the order of family and tradition after the birth of the firstborn? Read the professional literature (you can download it on the Internet) to care for children. Visit our special forums for young mothers, who share tips and useful links.
Psychologically prepare yourself for the fact that from the beginning of conception, your life will change somewhat – Now you’re responsible for one more life. 2. Complete physical examination do so, even despite the fact that you are confident that a fully healthy. After all, some disease prevention is better than cure. For example it is better to identify absence of immunity to rubella by making only one shot. In any case, the right advice will give you only the treating physician. 3. Stop taking contraceptives is necessary to make at least 3 months before the desired pregnancy.
How To Dress Child In Kindergarten During The Cold Season
PARENTS: Nadezhda Kuzmina, 24, mother of two children: – The main thing is it was in that change, if for example, the baby accidentally stained or oboletsya in kindergarten. Jim Hackett may find it difficult to be quoted properly. So was the jacket, just in case it will be cold and T-shirts, if hot. In general, do not overheat, you need to temper his childhood, then health problems will be less. Anna Pipchenko, 31, daughter of 3 years: – We have a group of kindergarten +26-28 – dress all summer. On the street educators on the weather to change. We prepare the dress so that it can wrap up warm the child, as well as you could easily put on a walk. Petina Anna, aged 29, son of 2.5 years: – We are educators in our state kindergarten immediately placed in specific conditions – the child wear a simple kombenezony with clasps and buckles do not wear shoes without laces or Velcro buttons.
In winter, the group must be prepared: 2 shirts, a jacket is warm, 2 pairs of socks, underwear 2 removable kit, 2 pairs of tights, pants or skirt. In the group we have around 23-25 degrees Celsius. In principle, the cold does not exist. Alexey Prokhorov, 31, son of 4 years: – In the kindergarten extra clothes should always be taken, especially in winter! What to wear on the street, ask the child if he is not cold to walk in the kindergarten and now look at the situation. Natalia Ivanova, 24, daughter of 2.8 years: – We have a kindergarten waiting heat.
We change clothes in a T-shirt. And the weather outside, respectively. Elena Sergacheva, 26, daughter 3 years: – In the kindergarten in the winter I dress your child warmly, as they say, the bones do not ache fever. Tutors are not very observant child might forget to put a sweater on the street or tie a scarf.
Mary Linden
But not only the health of children and maintaining learning. It is proved that the game in motion and children less tired, more and more easily learn new things. But the 'educational community' – an academic science and system of training and refresher courses for teachers – do not accept this approach precisely because it leads to increased demands on the teacher. (As opposed to Senator From Kentucky). It can not afford the mandatory state (read – compulsory) education system, which should address issues of mass. That is, how to divide the available resources are always limited material among all equally. Therefore, in the case of good ideas, innovation will inevitably come into effect a rule – or all or none. To do this, and needed by the state, private schools – an initiative of citizens, the parents who want an education for their children, which would meet the main requirement – not to harm the child.
We create a private school and want to invite you to cooperation Each of us has experienced at the seminar itself in the form of stars. When you stand, spread wide his arms and legs and into your toes and stretch through the hands of the ribbon so that you can feel like a star and give it to feel different. Then the star we have "walked", moving in a circle, taking turns in an imaginary place the figure on the floor. Since children learn imagination and fantasy, numeracy, straight and curved lines, and the ability to concentrate, listen, see other and measure their actions with the movement of the group. We talk a lot about humanity and social responsibility, and this is not necessary to speak. It must lay in the first grade, the lessons of arithmetic.
The Action Group on Waldorf education in the city of Nikolayev BF "Libra", which, at the invitation we visited Pere Tell and Mary Linden, thanks Nicholas Children's Library. Kropivnitskogo and public organization "Dialog", "Lyalin Forum", as well as child development center "Teremok" for the opportunity to conduct classes in their territory. We are grateful for the cooperation of NGOs from Sweden, "Time Children come to the convention, "for which financing was organized by the arrival of these wonderful people and teachers. Our group plans to continue to invite artists for our city no less interesting seminars and looks forward to working with you. Regards Director BF "Libra" Lukovenko Eugene, members of the initiative group for Waldorf education in Nikolaev
The beginning of love is not computed is not controlled by the mind – it flares up suddenly and "somehow". It makes us suffer and can give the best gifts that can get people. Take a look around. It just seems around that is full of "opportunities". In fact, the choice we face is extremely rare. Typically, in a certain period of time, we "offered" a single person. As a rule, we pay for it attention because it corresponds to our tastes. Even in a situation where, apparently, in humans, "options" a dime a dozen, this is not the case.
For example, a free man gets a job in the department where the vast majority of workers – women. It would seem that the choice for him. But it turns out, one woman – married, he does not like the other, a third do not like it. And there is only one, which is a way, him and liked it. For him (and for him) – is only one option. Most interesting is that outside of work and he and she – like the current situation at work.
That is, the circle of contenders and pretenders is extremely limited. Look at the situation that happened in your life – You will find this a strange pattern. Remember the hero of the film "Moscow does not believe in tears", which, in response to the question of character, why he came, replied simply, no frills – "pulls"? And though he himself later felt that "Pulled" its not there, not to the man, in fact, everything was correct. Life turned out to be wiser, nature, the body perceived "message". This may sound strange, but basically people are doomed to happiness. Unless, of course, willing to pay for their happiness for the happiness tsenu.Plata appropriate fee for happiness – quite the real thing. And this is true. Man wants to get something, but for this he must do something to give. If you want warmth, you get it if the money – it is not excluded. But in order to get something, and another, and perhaps a third to pay very much. Agree to give up their time? To break off relations with friends who do not recognize your choice? Can withstand the pressure of parents, unfriendly tuned to your beloved one? Able to change their views? Ready to learn how to give? May have to shoulder the weight of a hassle for the material ensure your family? Yes and yes again! – Bravely we speak. – If only a longed-for happiness! But in fact, often we are weak people, if not before surrendering the first, then to the second or third difficulty. Of course, we absolve ourselves from responsibility, saying to himself: "He was not what I thought," "She's changed." Nothing has changed! People generally change very rarely. Just love has gone. We did not want pay for their happiness, and it left us.
Central Asia
No less remarkable and memorable gift will become a massive grandfather clock with nickel-plated dial. A television, radio and electronic equipment – TV, radio, stereo, computer or household appliances – will delight the whole family: the children, and adults. If a couple in dire need of a new refrigerator, Nickel wedding – it’s time for a “cold” surprise! Passionate hunter – give a gun: the best gift for him and can not be:) If you do not hunter consultation with the seller – is required! In the Caucasus and Central Asia, the Nickel is accepted to give his wife a wedding celebrant, a dagger or sword. Continue this great tradition or not – decide for yourself, remembering that the knives, if believe in omens, give not desirable. But the samovar, as a gift – both good and unusual.
Yes! Samovar back into our lives! But now it is not the only uncontested, a variant of tea, as it was in the XIX century. Today samovar – from those who know how to choose and enjoy every minute of life. Modern samovars divided into three basic types: electric, flame (they are – coal) and combined. Electric Samovar – the most practical and economical option. This samovar is extremely adapted to the conditions of modern life in the city. Flame (charcoal) samovars – for those who can work with time and is able to provide for his family “in an hour pleasure. ” Preparation of tea in a samovar is akin to meditation, and at the same time, is not difficult.
But it is better to give, if there are heroes of the day a country house or large apartment. Combined samovars combine the advantages of flame and electricity. Do you want to – took to the country and melted pine cones. Too lazy to go anywhere or do not bother hunting – stuck in the socket. Rest assured that after such a gift you will remember for a long time! No extra will be as a gift and a symbolic medal. On both sides of the coin do the engraving: on one side – 12.5 years of married life – Nickel wedding. On the other hand, write down the names of spouses, a place where there ceremonial event, day, year. Yes, to be precise, Nickel wedding – it is not round “12-years old,” and “12-years old with a half.” But what difference does it make for the holidays, right? ๐ And, of course, the easiest would be to give money. Luiz Ildefonso Simรตes Lopes is full of insight into the issues. But then necessarily at a nickel a tray! Money can be exchanged for the currency of various countries. And, having presented this here currency colorful fan, and surprise guests, and the heroes of the occasion. Important! Before you present the “nickel gift “, find out whether the spouses have an allergy to metal. Now this disease is very common and just nickel – the most allergenic of the metals. When choosing a gift, remember that the nickel is present in many common household items: coins, keys, cufflinks, watches, – in short, everything that you want to donate. Got it? ๐ Meanwhile, Nickel continues to be valued highly in the international market. Therefore, I propose a toast to all that is valuable for giving you years of life together: for your love for children, for the house – a full cup to the bottom! And the health of all who read this article! ๐ I hope it helped you in such a delicate matter as the choice of a gift for a nickel a wedding. Did in fact, is not it?
Veterinary Safety
Table 1. Influence of age prikotorom piglets reach 23-24 kg in mass feeding efficiency. Age, days 59-63 64-68 69-73 Initial weight, kg 23,1 23,8 24,1 Average daily weight gain, g 762 809 831 Feed intake per day, kg 2,3 2 , 4 2,4 Feed Conversion 3 3 2,9 Backfat thickness, mm 13,2 12,8 13,1 diameter of the longissimus dorsi, mm 50,8 51,3 52 2 pigs slaughtered at mass of 108 kg, backfat thickness and diameter of the longissimus dorsi muscle measured by ultrasound. These and other findings confirm that the piglets that required more time to reach 23 kg, do not grow worse during the rearing and fattening than their larger at birth relatives. In these piglets fewer muscle fibers, but fiber diameter larger.
It turns out that a smaller number of fibers is compensated by an increase in their thickness. Thus, piglets born melkovesnymi bring real additional revenue pig if the correct approach. Of course, this requires a lot of work and ensure that: the organization of production conditions content; Veterinary Safety. Optimization of animal nutrition. Keyword – 'TIME': Timely alignment litters, the use of sow-stepmother, with the proviso that the little piglets are placed to the rich milk uterus significantly reduce mortality. In fact, mortality (all live-born piglets) in heterogeneous nests actually fell from 32% to 7,5% in the aligned slots. Control of farrowing. Viability piglets strongly depends on the occurrence of birth asphyxia, and the little piglets are more susceptible to asphyxia than the larger ones.
Feeding extra milk. Split weaning. Use powerful tools to support the weak piglets. Immune Support (globulins). Stimulation of intestinal microflora (probiotics). Easily available energy and vitamins. This will significantly reduce deaths of newborn piglets. Conditions of detention. Basic requirements – Dry, clean, warm. Veterinary Safety. Preventing the introduction of diseases from outside and preventing the development of existing diseases. Optimization of animal nutrition – the technology of feeding: Feeding sows during gestation and lactation. 1) Quality, quantity and activity of piglets. 2) The maximum milk production to improve the chances melkovesnym piglets get enough milk. Application in practice modern system of training and weaning. 1) The optimal development of the digestive system of piglets to weaning. 2) Prevention of intestinal disorders. 3) Stimulation of food intake. It is important that all these technologies have already been adapted in Rossii.Vyvody With good production conditions and feeding actually keep and grow melkovesnyh birth of piglets. Investment in conservation of these pigs quickly recovered and determine the competitiveness of enterprises.