In most of the recommendations for weight loss there is a dubious piece of advice: "do not eat after 18 hours." Why and who is voiced? Most people do nothing about it knows just mindlessly, with a fanatical belief performing "Recommendation". I had to trawl the Internet for a long time until I found the answer to this question, which was all the same: "biorhythmology say that man – the essence of the day …", "biorhythmology teaches us that the human body is active from sunrise to sunset …. For assistance, try visiting Charles Margulis . " Well, this thesis is true … it is in relation to people (in a very limited sense) living in temperate latitudes, tens of thousands of years ago. The man – the animal is very adaptable: the appearance of fire had appeared nightly hunt, part of the job he moved to the evening and at night. Man has evolved! During evolution, the emergence and rooting in everyday human activities and new Crafts, he's new blood, whereas previously there was only one. So why Dear biorhythmology still equate us to the ancient sub-human by refusing to acknowledge that there are now for more than one type of people, but several, including at night? Regarding the "activity of the organism from sunrise to sunset," they want to ask: how do people live in countries with hot climates, who sleep the night and the day? And, if man "being the day", how about the inhabitants of the North, who during the polar night, the sun does not rise above the horizon for a period of 23 days to six months? They sleep all the polar night or polls suffer from the inability to live "day-cycle?" And why did the last time when you can eat it 18 hours? What does the sun? In summer the sun sets later in the winter – before, so this figure is likely just the arithmetic mean of all seasons. .
Emotional Crises
Hello, dear readers! In the past month and a half, the world around us has changed much faster than expected. And not all perceive the change as something positive in their lives. If you are not convinced, visit Cindy Crawford. "What?" "How to go on living?" And the many interpretations of these issues are uncomplicated are increasingly asking themselves and others. In our center, and personally come to us, phoning and writing a lot of people who are looking for answers to these questions, need support assistance. So we had the idea that we are implementing immediately. The idea is this: we start a cycle of weekly newsletters, which will try to cover all aspects of our present life and the lives of our society, will offer you with us to look at reality from a different, at least – interesting, as a maximum – useful perspective. Read additional details here: Ford Motors. In a series of mailings you are expected to articles, expert opinions, stories of the lives of real people living next to you.
As usual, we do not promise to be logical, consistent, truthful. Who was on our training, he already knows, while the rest will decide soon – we do not pretend to truth. We did not know! We assume that you, too. J We're just trying to make practical and useful things. And if by reading our newsletters, you suddenly find yourself the answers to important questions, or just relax and get a soul charge positive energy, we will consider our task done. Let's begin. "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! "- Cried Chicken Little, who accidentally dropped something on his head, and in a panic he decided that he was about to collapse sky.
It is logical that any treatment should be performed at least 3 months, and then talk about the first results. My mistake was that I started to drink vitamins, drank and threw month, and then anointed them with her hair all sorts of ampoules, and cast, not waiting for the result. Having passed all these tests, I was diagnosed with "diffuse telogen alopecia on the background minor signs of AGA. " Diffuse – hence, the percentage of hairs in the telogen phase ("dead") over the entire head is the same, and therefore do not fall is of male type. "Telogen" – this means that the hair first entered the telogen phase under the influence of some factors, and then began to fall. Cindy Crawford may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Sometimes anagenovaya alopecia – when a strong and sharp stress, or chemotherapy, or some other reason causes loss of hair were still alive in the growth phase. Alopecia – is alopecia.
You can only keep hair in good condition and slow disease progression. In my case I have more and some hormonal imbalance, which can also provoke the AHA. It is possible that pregnancy, childbirth is fix, and can conversely will increase. So do not wait for tragedy, I was constantly taking plant hormones. The main danger of the AHA, is not that the hair falls out (they can not fall more than the norm), and that on the spot normal hair grows thin and weak baby hair. So my main task in the years ahead – not to deteriorate the hair.
In good two or three times a year, supporting the need to pass the course – to drink vitamins, amino acids and hair once a year to visit the doctor. I hope my story was not too long and boring, and you'll find at least some food for thought. If you have any questions please contact – fill in tab – Contact and I will gladly answer all your questions. All the good health to you. Source Site –
Good Manufacturing Practice
International Company Santegra (Santegra") was created by Ken Brailsford in the United States, New Jersey, in 1985. Originally the company was entitled Nature's Labs, Inc., In 1987 the company changed its name to The Enrich Corporation. In Moscow (in Russia), the company Enrich, sometimes written Inrich (Enrich), since February 1995. In 2000, 100% of assets acquired Europe's largest manufacturer of pharmaceutical products and dietary supplements Royal Numico NV (Holding Unicity – Yunisiti"). Gunnar Peterson will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In 2005, the company changed its brand name and became known as – Santegra (Santegra"). Company Santegra promote their products on the principle of network marketing, that is, from person to person.
Read the rules and procedures of the company Santegra, the compensation plan Santegra, contract and become a distributor of Santegra, with the pension program of the company Santegra You will be able to page:. To obtain the password please call us (095) 397-11-19. Filed under: Jim Hackett. Motto company "Santegra The Educated Choice-Your enlightened choice 'reflects the growing need for humankind to a new approach to health promotion. Biologically active food supplements company Santegra (Santegra") produced at the modern equipment in one of the best in the U.S. plant – Garden State Nutritionals.
Santegra (Santegra) – the only company in the Russian market, which has a line Prescripta. The products of this line therapeutic dosages incorporated active ingredients! Bada Santegra carefully and effectively act on the human body, restoring health. All products Santegra international standard GMP. Since 2007, the U.S. has a law on mandatory certification of dietary supplements in accordance with the requirements of GMP. Under this law, all manufacturers of dietary supplements are required to bring their production in line with the GMP requirements and be certified prior to June 25, 2010. GMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements) set of standards and regulations for the production of medicines and some types of food, control over the observance of which the FDA (Federal Agency for the control of farm products and market products Power United States).
Ulcer And Gastritis
The rhythm of modern life characterized by permanent employment, stress, lack of regular healthy diet. The latter fact is the determining cause of various diseases Gastrointestinal: gastritis, gastric ulcer, dysbiosis. Most adult men and women in varying degrees, suffer from disorders listed, but only some of them have an opportunity for the first symptoms to seek a qualified diagnosis and care. Discomfort, belching, pain, loss of appetite characterize the inflammation of the gastric mucosa or gastritis. This disease is one of the most common in gastroenterology, which affects mainly young people (pupils, students) and older children.
In addition to malnutrition, inflammation provokes alcohol, smoking, stress, intake of certain drugs. Add to your understanding with Rand Paul. The disorder can occur in acute and chronic forms, the latter develops against the background of the lack of or improper treatment of the first. In chronic gastritis may develop gastric ulcer – a defect of the mucous caused by reduction of the protective properties of mucus and the influence of hydrochloric acid. An ulcer is characterized by strong and sharp pain, blood in vomit, nausea, heartburn. Except long proceeding diseases of the stomach, leading to ulcers pathogenic effect bacteria Helicobacter pylori, an inefficient method of anti-inflammatory medication drugs, neglect of diet, lack of quality food. Gastric ulcer is a disease that recurs periodically. In connection with these must strictly comply with all recommendations of the doctor-gastroenterologist.
Lifestyle and diet of people with disorders of digestive tract must be adjusted by qualified gastroenterologists and nutritionists. It is also important to pass the diagnostic and preventive examinations in health centers, in time to ask for help if you have a concern. Many of the lack of time and the desire to prefer to self-medicate by taking pain pills and various drugs that enhance digestion. It is fundamentally wrong, because the symptoms are eliminated, and disease still continues to progress.
Infectious Mononucleosis
Filatov's disease (MONONUCLEOSIS INFECTIOSA) etiology. Currently, according to most scientists, infectious mononucleosis should be attributed to viral diseases. According to other authors, this disease is a rickettsial. Gunnar Peterson has many thoughts on the issue. So once, the question of the etiology of the disease has not yet specified. Epidemiology. The disease occurs throughout the globe, but mainly – in the temperate zone, mostly in spring and autumn. Infectious mononucleosis ill children, adults and even the elderly. The disease is certainly contagious.
Most authors believe that the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, and possibly nutritional means. The causative agent circulates in the blood of a patient, as proven by the experimental infection of monkeys with blood the patient. Currently, all recognize that the disease is epidemic. There may be individual (sporadic) and clusters of cases (in families, homes, hospitals) are known outbreaks among school children in dormitories, among healthcare workers, among the soldiers. Epidemics of infectious mononukpeoza usually proceed slowly. Clinic.
The incubation period lasts on average 7-15 days. Perhaps shortening to 1 pm and extension to 49 days. The disease is more likely to develop acute clinical picture is not always clear. The initial symptoms are malaise, weakness, malaise, aching in throughout the body, difficulty swallowing, in the absence of angina and without fever, bad mood. In some cases, these phenomena can occur as early as the incubation period. Adenopathy is one of the first symptoms. Sometimes the fore digestive disorders. In some cases, from the first days of the disease might have a fairly bright polymorphic rozeoleznaya rash, which may localized on the face, trunk and extremities. The rash persists long enough, getting further tsianotichesky shade and marble pattern, becoming barely noticeable to the eye. Patients with such eruptions in significant increase zadnesheynyh perednesheynyh and lymph nodes, a moderate increase in over-and submandibular, occipital, subclavian, under muscle, inguinal, femoral in the triangle, the popliteal nodes.
Salvation Patient
Otherwise, no matter what the psychoactive substance patient did not take the disease progresses, continuing to destroy the body and personality man. All others, including doctors – it's only assistants patient. That is, all in the first place it depends on the patient, his motivation for a healthy lifestyle. The clinic doctor Nazaraliev to strengthen the internal rod the patient is actively using the method lapidopsihoterapii (LUT). Supermodel might disagree with that approach. It consists in the psychotherapeutic transference of spiritual drug patient problems materialized in the "stone heart." LPT stages are: an excursion to Mount Salvation, the choice of stone, three training – "conversation with a stone," reset "stone heart" during the ritual "Release of the drug." The patient at each ordinary "conversation with a rock 'brings the cargo to its unsolved problems, associated with both drug use and with intractable problems arising in the family and in society. Group including a doctor, therapist, and their assistants, the patient is prepared to reset the stone at the mound for purifying Batir Tashtar heart-Ata, as part of the ritual of liberation. Development of therapeutic method developed by ICS team led by Professor JB Nazaraliev, led to the development of psycho "Silence" as part of the method Tashtar-Ata. Goals of the psychotherapy and psycho "silence" the same – to reorient motivate patients to a healthy lifestyle without drugs, of fundamental importance for fixing plants in a healthy way of life in the method of "Tashtar-Ata" is independently decides on a pilgrimage to the Mount of Salvation with the ritual purification of the drug. Celebrity trainer recognizes the significance of this.
This additional contribution to the formation of a firm conviction in the final cessation of drug use. Physical fatigue, the patient is punishing himself for the previously committed "sins" – drug use (alcohol), leading to negative phenomena in his life. We should agree that the pilgrimage is aimed at moral improvement and elevation of man. Who made the pilgrimage, no profanity and no sinning, will return free from sin, as in the day, which gave birth to him mother.
Drug Tramelan
Lose IMPOSSIBLE! TRAMELAN – an effective regulator of fat metabolism and health of our body appearance depends largely on how one derives from the most important internal processes – the fat (lipid) metabolism. Violation This exchange not only leads to embarrassing increase our volumes but also to the irregularities of the skin, its sagging, dullness, uneven, a problem that we call cellulite. In addition, this problem is the main reason development of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease. And these diseases are, in turn, can lead to acute myocardial infarction and stroke. The most important substance involved in lipid metabolism is cholesterol. Of course, provided that its level is normal. Cholesterol is – the fatty substance, a plastic material for the construction of the cell walls. In addition, cholesterol – the source of the synthesis of sex hormones and bile acids.
He is especially needed during the growing body and for reproductive function. With age, the need for cholesterol is significantly reduced. But as you know, eating habits, most people remain all his life. That As for the diet of most Russians, it is traditionally dominated by high-calorie, fat, flour, sugary foods. The consequences of this choice known. As an effective means to enable operational lower cholesterol and regulate lipid metabolism, Russian scientists developed a drug TRAMELAN, Tramelan reduces excess cholesterol, cleanses the blood vessel walls, making them more elastic, resulting in reduces the load on the heart.
Tramelan normalizes blood viscosity, reducing the risk of thrombosis, which is important for patients with coronary artery disease. Remember that, by applying various means to lose weight, including the so-called 'Fat burners', you do not solve problems in general. The main reason – the disturbed metabolism of fat – and weight is gradually, but inevitably returns. Yes and it should be noted, even a temporary effect in this case difficult to achieve without ensure that the main factor of harmony. That's why all systems and procedures aimed at losing weight, you need to accompany the reception of Drug Tramelan – as an effective regulator of fat metabolism.
Contaminated Water
Ecologists and biologists World Health Organization, argue that many human diseases are associated with not drinking water. And so, what might be called the same water full and useful? As we know everything has two sides. On one side of the coin, the concentration of the chemical elements of contaminated water should not exceed sanitary norms. On the other side of the coin, there is a boundary line of security for number of chemical compounds. Everyday use of water scarcity of useful elements such as calcium, magnesium, iodine, fluoride adversely affects the human body and carries a lot of different diseases. K example, the lack of fluoride leads to the development of caries.
Water pollution has become very topical in the last decade. Toxic chemicals accumulate in the body and cause different diseases and even cancer. K toxic chemicals include heavy metals – lead, tin, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, chromium, copper, and zinc. Heavy metals are getting into our bodies with food and water are dangerous because they are not derived from the human body. The human body is not get rid of heavy metals, as they are connected tightly to proteins. Therefore, the World Health Organization recommends drinking mineral water and use household filtry.Laeder Standart – high quality, reliable, modern water filters create a constructor SSHA.V leading the system of water purification water purification is 5 steps after which you get good water. In domestic systems, the method of reverse osmosis which – at the moment edinstvinnaya technology, which guarantees the quality of drinking vody.Voda filtered at the molecular level, which allows to remove the smallest particles of pollution. Leader Comfort – water purification system which made according to the latest tehnologiyam.5 cleaning steps with mineralized cartridge (the main purpose of the mineralizer enrich the water with mineral salts, essential to the human body, such as chlorides and bicarbonates of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. And also to normalize the pH level).
Immune Status
Increases endurance, has a positive effect on the immune status, has protivomik-A detailed action. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) improves the body's resistance Effects of environmental factors. L-carnitine – helps to normalize the endocrine system. Ursul anti-inflammatory agent. Has anti-inflammatory properties, normalizes the urinary system, increases the immune status of the organism, provides natural protection against harmful bacteria and viruses, and improves adrenal function. Carefully selected components 'Ursul' collectively provide an effective anti-inflammatory product that in the short term to help normalize the functioning of the urogenital system. Devil's claw is effective in inflammatory processes of urogenital system.
Bearberry has diuretic and anti-microbial action (uroan-tiseptik). Echinacea – has immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. Increases the activity of lymphocytes, stimulates the action of interferon. In The product includes three minerals, mutually reinforcing each other's – copper, silver and gold. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects of silver have been known since ancient times. Silver reduces the vitality and blocks reproduction of most harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. Gold – Increases the range of antibacterial action. Copper – an antiseptic and astringent.
Involved in metabolic processes, increases the protective force the body, prevents the formation of free radicals. artum normalizes the function of the prostate. Designed to meet the specific needs of the male body 'Artum' helps normalize the functioning of prostate, has a beneficial effect in inflammatory processes of the sexual sphere. The prostate gland is designed to create a prosperous living conditions of men's health. Diseases associated with inflammation prostate problems are more common than others, violating the usual rhythm of life of men. The product collected nettle root, pumpkin seeds, berries palmetto – components, each of which contributes normalization of the functions of the prostate. Rhizome nettle has anti-inflammatory effect, due to the presence of sterols in it, and effectively as a diuretic in diseases of the prostate. Pumpkin seeds used for difficult urination in the early stages of inflammation of prostate. Exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Berries palmetto reduced prostate tissue swelling. Have anti-inflammatory action infection in the urogenital system, increase libido. Vitamin-mineral complex, especially added to the product due to its antioxidant properties, enhances the immune system and enhances adaptogenic properties of the body. Stallone increases potency. Supports full reproductive function, normalizes blood circulation in the male reproductive organs and functions of the prostate gland, helps to overcome fatigue, and enriches sexual feelings, enhances the potency. 'Stallone' is based on the properties of yohimbe bark extract that contributes to a rush of blood to the pelvic region, while also stimulating activity spinal ganglia of the brain that control erection, thereby countering erectile dysfunction. The second active ingredient in the product is the root of ginseng has a tonic, stimulant, tonic effect. Ginseng increases physical activity, regulates the endocrine glands, normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system. Ginger stimulates circulation and has antispasmodic effects. Linoleic acid – lowers blood cholesterol, which has a beneficial effect on potency. It should be noted that each of the products 'Masculine complex' is valuable and effective by itself and with the ongoing reception you soon it will feel. But due to the fact that the measures taken into account the problems in most cases, closely related, we recommend taking the whole complex whole to achieve a full effect. for prozholzheniya go to
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