Emotional Crises
Hello, dear readers! In the past month and a half, the world around us has changed much faster than expected. And not all perceive the change as something positive in their lives. If you are not convinced, visit Cindy Crawford. "What?" "How to go on living?" And the many interpretations of these issues are uncomplicated are increasingly asking themselves and others. In our center, and personally come to us, phoning and writing a lot of people who are looking for answers to these questions, need support assistance. So we had the idea that we are implementing immediately. The idea is this: we start a cycle of weekly newsletters, which will try to cover all aspects of our present life and the lives of our society, will offer you with us to look at reality from a different, at least – interesting, as a maximum – useful perspective. Read additional details here: Ford Motors. In a series of mailings you are expected to articles, expert opinions, stories of the lives of real people living next to you.
As usual, we do not promise to be logical, consistent, truthful. Who was on our training, he already knows, while the rest will decide soon – we do not pretend to truth. We did not know! We assume that you, too. J We're just trying to make practical and useful things. And if by reading our newsletters, you suddenly find yourself the answers to important questions, or just relax and get a soul charge positive energy, we will consider our task done. Let's begin. "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! "- Cried Chicken Little, who accidentally dropped something on his head, and in a panic he decided that he was about to collapse sky.
Karma and Health
It takes 33% of information on all our lives – what we call karma in Buddhism, the fate of Christianity, Heaven Luck in Feng Shui. But it's always about our chances, that a man can do, and what he just did not have to spend time and effort. For example, your child is on the map to the birth predisposed to law, wants to become a fireman, and the parents see him as a future doctor. Beneficial to know about the predisposition to profession in advance, before entering college. When there is an opportunity to refocus the aims and objectives in life.
And practical to get the profession that will bring money and satisfaction. Each year presents us with new surprises with his health. Determine the disposition of the body to serious illness, to obtain information on how to prevent the operation and preventive health – is an invaluable opportunity increase the duration and quality of their lives. European medicine, for example, does not associate high blood pressure with kidney disease. A high blood pressure – is usually an imbalance of water in the kidneys. Pressure to the kidneys come from Heart – Fire element, ie high blood pressure – it is always a conflict of Water and Fire.
Or, for example, an allergy – an imbalance of the element of Fire, blood, which attacks the wood element – the liver. Allergy treatment should start with diet and cleanse liver, and not continue to poison its chemicals. The Four Pillars of Destiny, as a way of obtaining such information, is unparalleled. And even if the operation can not be avoided, because it is simply wasted time and there was no such knowledge – we minimize the risk of complications after it and pick a time and place for the operations in which we will be maximally protected. At the consultations are traditionally asked several questions, one of the most disturbing something like this: "Where is my money? How can I earn? "Money – it is another kind of energy. Imagine that you are predetermined at birth a vital supply of this energy and store it in your purse heaven. You move through life intuitively and pull out of this purse your money haphazardly, when certain conditions permit – in this case, we say, for example: Last year was good for me! And what are the conditions and when prepare for the next good period of life for one's own business or the concentration of cash reserves – it is clear also from the birth chart. People born potential millionaires much less than usual, ordinary citizens. And we all get a lifelong exactly as much money as us written – nothing more, nothing less. The challenge is to a certain period of life devote their efforts to ensure that money, to create some basis for the relaxed later life. Ba Zi saves in this sense a lot of time and effort, allowing the economical use of other forms of energy embodied in man. Four Pillars of Destiny Ba Zi – Chinese – a black and white stripes of our lives. On it more fun is the one who makes good decisions, has definite information when the decision to adopt and how it should be. The greatest value of our lives – is ourselves, and the most secret knowledge – knowledge about himself. With Ba Zi we have the opportunity to get answers to all questions about his own life!
Second question: 2) The group of pupils obtained to establish Rapport (I tie) with the children and educators? Graf 2: He demonstrates if the pupils had obtained to establish the necessary bond with the educators and children. In the measure where the contacts had happened, the children already obtained even though to identify to the pupils and the hour of the reading, already with the educators, an exchange of knowledge happened where the pupils had been supported by people that coexisted the children directly, knew of its characteristics, for this reason and for the children to be easily sociable had a satisfactory exchange between pupils, educators and children. It was demonstrated work in group. Question three: 3) The reading made with the children contributed of some form for interpretation and imagination of the same ones, as the proposal of the project? Graf 3: It demonstrates if the reading contributes of some form for the children. It was observed that the children had started to present greater in accordance with concentration and the coordinator and pedagoga the directed activities more, had provided to greater return, but it was observed in clearer way in the room, from the done stimulations to the children, who previously answered ' ' Eu' ' for that if she asked, observed at the beginning of the work, them already they obtained in efficient way to make identifications of personages, of animals, from the stimulation with focus in the memory, however normal and she is waited that in the second infancy the children still have difficulty of storage due to a neurological maturation that if is waited for this etria band. Question four: 4) Before the educators, the pupils of Psychology they had obtained to effect the considered objective, of comment and to conciliate practical theory and? Graf 4: It demonstrates if objective of the work of comment and conciliation between practical theory and it was reached. Continue to learn more with: Jim Hackett.
Everything Embryo
One also knows that, being the uterus the ambientenatural of the embryo, it reacts to the external stimulatons due to transformations dosistema nervous of the mother who liberates chemical substances in the sanguineous chain eatingem its ' ' ambiente' '. Then, the embryo is taken by an alarm state, quepode to increase or to diminish its cardiac beatings. It searchs ' ' mechanisms dedefesa' ' for ' ' relief of tenses' '. Better to understand this movement, is followed: ' ' … In the search of the relief of the tensions, psychic mechanisms of defense are developed and that they are express through hiperativas demovimentaes the body. They are reactions similar to the dorecm-been born one in suffering that if twists, it cries out, it cries, esperneia, to paralivrar itself of what it cause desperation. Or, in contrast, if the situaoestressante becomes chronic, the embryo ' ' substitui' ' the mechanism of defense that nopercebe as more aliviador of tension, and occurs the reduction of the atividadesmotoras or hipoatividade, that suggests the possibility of depression and dedecrscimo of vital energy. While to last the emotional riot of gestante, the fetal activity will continue to a high level …
' ' (RICH, S/D). Estasexperincias lived by the embryo in its environment, generates feelings of anxiety, anguish, fear and situations of estresse, in accord with what the mother estejaenfrentando, and this, can place it in suffering. ' ' Everything what happens duranteesse period is forgotten to the rising, however is registered in inconsciente' ' (RICH, S/D). Already we know that the embryo has an emotional life: it is to umser that it feels, it has emotions, it tries pleasure and displeasure, anguish ebem-to be, in the primrdios of the intrauterine life, in the end of as the trimester degestao (VERNY, 1981). In its comments extreme-sonogrficas, AlessandrPiontelli (1992) describes: ' ' … What it called my attention in this occasion (during one year I observed some gestations weekly) was the wealth and acomplexidade of the movements that if could observe since the maisiniciais periods of training.
The Inserted
In relation to the sciodemogrfico profile, the interviewed ones have on average 36 years and possess university formation in the other courses, they tell not to have experience in the area, and recently they had made courses of qualification offered by the government, with pretensions to make a specialization in special education. The classrooms special possess between 11 and 19 pupils, including boys and girls, whose ages vary between 11 the 21 years. The first point to be analyzed is to identify the objective of the inserted special classroom in a regular college. One of the interviewed ones affirmed that: ‘ ‘ We have the objective to prepare the pupil for inclusion, alfabetizando and brightening up shunting lines of conduta’ ‘. This demonstrates that the process of integration in this school consists of adapting special the carrying pupils of deficiency in classrooms, where is in this situation until obtaining to follow a regular group. According to it informs of Warnock (1978) apud Et.al Coll. (2004, P.
24): The integration is physical when the classroom or unit of special education is inserted in an education institution, however is an independent organization, although to share some places as patio or refectory. In these state schools similar processes occur, however it can be said that they are not total independent organizations and the pupils do not share only the same spaces, but also participate of activities of integration. According to interviewed, the integration more occurs in the activities extraclassrooms, any activities, thus they is enclosed. In the visits to the institutions it can be observed integrativas activities, in many of them the pupils of the special classroom assayed for presentation of a group next to the too much pupils of the school.
Social Anxiety
Some studies and theories exist on the etiolgicos factors of this illness. Amongst them and according to Caballo (2006), we can cite the model of the conditional anxiety, where the anxiety was acquired through the classic conditioning, for the repeated exposition the aversivas experiences in social situations. As a model would be the cognitivo-valorativo, that considers that the origin of the anxiety is the errnea cognitivo-valorativa evaluation of its performance the expectations of aversivas consequncias. The errnea evaluation can be resulted of criteria not-realists, false perceptions with regard to the performance, negative auto-evaluation and insufficient auto-reinforcement (CABALLO, 2006, P. 317). The third model that we will cite is of the deficit in social abilities. This model affirms that the anxiety tried in the social interaction has origin of reactive form and must to an inadequate or inapropriado mannering repertoire. The treatment of the Social Anxiety through Mannering the Cogntiva Therapy, is based basically on cognitiva reorganization, relaxation, dramatizao (it rolls-play), exposition and training in social abilities.
The therapy in group if has shown sufficiently efficient in the treatment of the Social Phobia (BARLOW, 1999). According to Barlow (1999), in the cognitiva reorganization, the therapist teaches to the patient to identify its automatic thoughts through exercises. He identifies to it them, elaborate then strategies to face them. For this confrontation, we use the socrtico questioning, that is one cognitiva technique that collates automatic thoughts, refuting them rationally. Through the Register of Pensamentos Automticos (RDPD) that the patient fills as house task, the therapeutic one starts to have access the possible intermediate beliefs and central offices and more the front is only that ' ' the therapy focuses in the modification of assumptions, rules and beliefs centrais' ' (RANG, 2001, P. 200). SegundoSalkovskis, Hawton, Kirk and Clark (1997), have some predispositions of the fbico patient that they need to be worked in therapy.
Upheavals Of Anxiety In Infancy
UPHEAVALS OF ANXIETY IN INFANCY SUMMARY FORGIARINI, Kelin 1 RICCI, Luize V. 2 JUNHO/2010 the anxiety is a state desconfortvel mood and of negative apprehension in relation to the future, that is, an ackward fidget, that involves cognitivas answers, physiological and mannering, answers these that have for objective the protection. In its normality the anxiety is important for the adaptation and survival of the individual to the way, but when if it becomes persistent it can come to unchain upheavals. Some upheavals exist, of which some are typical of infancy, these that they can cause consequncias for the development. This research had as objective to define what it is anxiety and its main upheavals; to explain the possible desencadeantes factors and to verify the consequncias that the anxiety upheavals can cause in the development of the child.
By means of the done research this can be verified, and the results had allowed to prove such hypotheses: that the familiar relations and social context is the factors that can infer in the infantile development as a whole. In way that, at the beginning the escolarizao the child needs a special attention so that she does not develop anxious behaviors. These that will be persistent can unchain an upheaval, which could be harmful, implying and making it difficult the process of socialization and the infantile development. Word-key: Familiar anxiety, Infancy, Upheavals, Behavior, Relations and Pertaining to school Context. 1. Academic of 3 period of the course of Psychology of the College of White Duck – Fadep. 2.
Academic of 3 period of the course of Psychology of the College of White Duck – Fadep. ABSTRACT FORGIARINI, Kelin 1 RICCI, Luize V. 2 Anxiety is an uncomfortable mood state and negative seizure about the future, or an, unpleasant restlessness, which involves cognitive, behavioral physiological and responses, responses that they ploughs supposed you protect.
Cognitivo Therapy TCC
Mannering the Cognitivo Therapy aims at the re-education of thoughts and distorted or disfuncionais beliefs. In the cognitiva therapy, the patient learns that its system of beliefs is what cause its states of mood, (as well as its behaviors), and that the external events, experiences of infancy and the genetics are agents who influence, but, less important in what the way as the individual reacts they. Event Interpretation of the event Emotion State of Mood (in accordance with the beliefs)Behavior Even so the majority of the people if does not give account, all and any emotion is folloied by thoughts and, more than what this, is generated by the same ones. This can be difficult of if perceiving, because beyond the emotions to be able to vary diverse times to the day – making it difficult to give attention in alteration of the same ones – it can also seem that they appear of the nothing, without influence some of the person. In the specific case of the depression, where the mood variations are little frequent, the person can still have little idea of she generates what it and she keeps.
How occurs this in the practical one? In the day the day? We go to assume the case of one definitive boy who initiates the college student. It will have its first test and if he organizes to study the content of the same one. One sits down to read the book and feels certain difficulty to understand the first topics. It passes to it for the head that is very difficult and that it never will understand the substance. It starts then to feel itself sad, with weight in the abdomen and closes the book. It gives up to study and it passes the remain of the afternoon cabisbaixo and chateado. This boy seems not to perceive the thoughts acometeram that it during its study and that they had resulted in depressed mood, weight in the stomach and the desistance of the reading.
Dealing with Anger
Often anger is transformed into aggression in the inner desire to break something, someone scolding, often precisely at these moments we do things for which later became ashamed, and sometimes a feeling of guilt. Very often anger and resentment are removed by us, a chemical process, smoking, alcoholism, and a possible appearance as a harmless way of seizing This morning I was just a state of irritation in the morning and anger just overwhelmed me, and said not a simple or a hearty breakfast, did not change the situation. Naturally, the desire to smoke, that in this situation for me is a common situation. However, to solve the problem of emotional stress through smoking for 30 years as ceased to be my habit. Options in this situation, I have some first day – this is the conclusion of anger and irritation in conscious rational track, unwind back memories I remembered when there was that feeling. On the eve of a failure when my attempt to book movie tickets, on the grounds that in this room is only bookable VIP card holders of cinema, and going to the cinema for good luck do not like Realizing the cause of anger has become much easier, after all, if we so wished then I'll go buy a ticket in advance, to the article on the road for one that would not be hurt by such a waste of time for the trip ticket in advance on the way to go yet in store for shoes, but long wanted to do it on purpose, as it also broke.
Dealing with Guilt
This page is dedicated to those who say myself today 'I do not feel well. " Sometimes, just bad – and wonder why. Bad – that's all. But that does not decrease the desire to change their status to do so was suddenly well. Only here it is unclear exactly how to do it. Maybe you are looking for now is the answer to this question, if got a page with this name.
1. The first thing to do in this case – to understand why you badly. Even if it seems that 'nepochemu' even if there is no apparent reason, remember that they really do exist. It is futile to attempt to explain his state of 'seasonal depression' or 'just a loss of strength. " You know deep down that this is not so! The thing is that referring to some external circumstances, man – ironic! – Make yourself helpless in this situation – the victim (this is not the situation he now manages, and the external forces). And only when he agree that he is able to change something, he finds inner strength, confidence, becomes master of his life in the most important sense.
That is why at first look for the cause of his ill within themselves, rather than outside – and only then move on to step two. Examples of these internal factors: something to do with my self-esteem, self-confidence, I became irritable and aggressive in recent vremyakazhetsya I unproductive now decide some konfliktyvozmozhno, now there is something unpleasant in my family or relationship with my boyfriend, but I do not want to admit it … I made the wrong decision, but the way back to me unacceptable understand the need for internal and external changes, but I do not know how to do it! 2. Now ask yourself the question: 'And if I have enough now, the resources to do something with the one found the cause of your own? That their status changed to such an extent that it will be possible instead of 'I feel bad' to say 'I'm Fine! "?" Yeah? So what are you waiting for, to put these changes in life! No? Then make an appointment with a psychologist and do not hesitate to do so. Indeed, the very recognition of the fact that there is a problem and you need help is a sign of great inner strength. Many people can not do its own hubris. Do not fall into her trap, be strong! To allow themselves in their lives for a long time not to utter the words: 'I feel sick! " Your life in your hands! So, be as happy!
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