Fat And Metabolism
If ingested more energy than necessary it builds up in fat. If you consume more energy than necessary is used on fat for energy. As obesity is caused by excess energy as a result of alterations in the balance of input / output of energy. To know more about this subject visit Wais Jalali. As a consequence, can cause various complications such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus and CAD. Heredity plays an important role, both obese parents that the risk of obesity for children is 10 times higher than normal.
This is partly due to trends of accumulation of fat metabolism, but in part because the food culture and sedentary habits contribute to repeat patterns from parent to child obesity. Another part of the obese are hormonal or endocrine diseases, and can be solved by a correct diagnosis and specialized treatment. Check with Gunnar Peterson to learn more. It is very important psychological aspects of the impact that obesity has on psychological and social adjustment of children. In general, people suffering from obesity are not well regarded in society. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Wais Jalali. In the media obese children and adults often play a comic character, tripped and wolverine. A child of seven years and has learned the rules of cultural attraction and hence choose their playmates based on their physical characteristics, to the point that many may prefer to choose a child with a disability before a child obese. It has been shown that obese children have poor self-image and express feelings of inferiority and rejection.
Therefore, they often have difficulty making friends. Discrimination by adults or peers triggers them antisocial attitudes that lead them to isolation, and inactivity, and often produce increased food intake, which in turn aggravates or at least perpetuates obesity. In adolescence, the concept itself is of such importance that any physical characteristics that differentiate them from the rest of his teammates has the potential to become a more serious problem, particularly by reducing their self-esteem. It is also a big problem finding clothes for obese children, since it is difficult to find fashionable clothes appropriate for their size. In addition, these children have often behavioral disorders, and anxiety symptoms. Obesity is considered a scourge in many European countries, and is perceived as an undesirable physical appearance and a sign of the defects of character that is supposed to indicate. Even six year olds perceive other obese children as "lazy, dirty, stupid, ugly, liars and cheats." Obese people have to face discrimination. According to studies in the United Kingdom and the United States, overweight youth earn significantly less than healthy women, not overweight or other women with chronic problems. It is also more common for obese people eat compulsively, and have a long history of eating disorders that are characterized by binge eating and weight fluctuations. For example, the influence of psychological factors still remains uncertain, while obese patient he has been labeled as compulsive eaters, we also find many people are also obese. Psychological pathology is linked to this disease, only a small number of cases, among them the "night eating syndrome" (morning anorexia, overeating and insomnia ago), have been included in this small group of those who have been obese since his childhood, in this case, more than a factor of psychological accused, common sense would call it a psychological consequence. which can help fight this disease For more information visit all the information we provide is general in nature, remember that this information alone can not replace the care or human services you may need. Only provide a service and reference information, please consult your health care professional who treats you about any concerns you have about your own.. Filed under: Steve Case.
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