Preparing For Conception
When it comes to preparing to try for a baby, doctors assert that it is best if the couple how to prepare for conception. Wais Jalali spoke with conviction. After all, when the pregnancy planned in advance, it is possible to avoid many surprises and annoyances – of Doctors said most of the complications can be avoided even during pregnancy. And by the way, prepare for the emergence of a new man to man as well as half the genetic information babe gets it from father. Charles Margulis takes a slightly different approach. So, we invite you to listen to the advice setsialistov about how to plan your pregnancy? Doctors recommend approximately 3 mesyaytsa to the alleged conception: 1. . Read and dream What you see your child? Brave, kind, noble, or creative? How will punish the child, where it lead to? How to change the order of family and tradition after the birth of the firstborn? Read the professional literature (you can download it on the Internet) to care for children. Visit our special forums for young mothers, who share tips and useful links.
Psychologically prepare yourself for the fact that from the beginning of conception, your life will change somewhat – Now you’re responsible for one more life. 2. Complete physical examination do so, even despite the fact that you are confident that a fully healthy. After all, some disease prevention is better than cure. For example it is better to identify absence of immunity to rubella by making only one shot. In any case, the right advice will give you only the treating physician. 3. Stop taking contraceptives is necessary to make at least 3 months before the desired pregnancy.